Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Flowers

My vegetable garden has been disappointing this year however my front flower garden is lovely!
I've got lilies, roses, peonies, hydrangea, gardenias and many more.

I love opening my front door to see a garden full of color!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Here we have some Bolero carrots, English peas and under the peas there is a scallopini.
We've got lots of raspberries this year. I'm glad I have 3 different varieties since the seem to have staggered fruiting times.
My very first homegrown cabbage! I'm so proud. I'm glad I chose the smaller variety because I think these are the perfect size.
Look at all our garlic!! We managed to get some huge bulbs and I think there is still some left in the garden to be pulled out. I'm going to be doing some braiding soon!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Meteor Showers 2010

The weather is finally starting to clear up around here. We had a rather cool and cloudy start to the summer but the sky are now clear, just in time for some summer meteor showers.

Delta Aquarids July 28-29
Capricornids July 29-30
Perseids August 12-13
Draconids October 8-9
Orionids October 21-22

I won't list any after October because it is just too cloudy around here. So hopefully you can get out and catch natures show. Perseids is by far the best of the summer so make sure you have a dark place to view that one.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Canada Day Festivities

This year for a Canada Day, Jon and I decided to keep things low key. We slept in, had lunch together, then headed out to Sidney to check out the Canada Day Festivities. The weather wasn't that great and on our drive out there it kind of started to spit so we didn't think we would stay very long. We started off listening to some local bands at the Mary Winspear Centre. After that got old we made our way down Beacon Ave to the waterfront. We stopped and checked out some of the cute shops that are unique to Sidney and made a stop at Starbucks (what a bad idea, the lineup was awful!). We managed to make it to the marina just in time to see the end of the Slegg Lumber Annual Boat Race. There were 21 teams of 3, they were each given $100 to spend at Slegg to get whatever they needed to build a working boat then 4 hours to build them without power tools. There were a few impressive finished products.

We waited on the pier for about 45mins but finally they took to the water. There were 3 prizes to be won, the first to complete the race, the first to sink and the crowd favorite. Needless to say the first to sink was a tie but the first to complete was a clear winner. The in-between boats were really funny to watch. It was not a warm day so I was really impressed by the dedicated people who basically swam their boats around the course. One team decided not to participate in the race but rather to be "pirates" that waited at the half-way mark and shot at the teams with water guns. The whole thing was pretty funny. The boats were auctioned off after the race (or what was left of them). Here is a little video of the race. Sorry about the quality, I wasn't really paying attention to the video, I was watching the race.
After the race we quickly visited the Sidney Farmers Market, then headed home. We went to a movie and headed to bed as soon as the booming from the fireworks was over. It was such a nice day to spend with my sweetie. I really had so much fun.