The weather in October really starts to encourage us to plan activities indoors. So we got crafty. Some of these were as simple as drawing owl faces on all the chestnuts April collects or gluing tissue paper to jack-o-lantern silhouettes. Others were a bit more of an undertaking. The turkey's required the leaves to be dipped in wax first and I pre-cut the features then April taped and glued the birds together.
The snowglobe was a fun family craft. We all gathered around the table a took turns adding parts to the jar. Mommy added the water and glycerin, April added the sparkles and Daddy glued the witch to the lid. It has been a big hit around here so of course we will be making one for Christmas as well.
The mummy hand puppet and the pinecone spider were quick crafts with lasting fun. The mummy puppet is simply strips of cheese cloth and googly eyes glued to a paper bag. The pinecone spiders were another craft inspired by excess "treasures" brought home by April. We just wrapped black pipe-cleaners around some pinecones and glued on some eyes. A couple "spiders" are hanging by our front door to frighten visitors and the baby one (my personal favorite) is perched on our mantle.
April found so much joy in creating these simple crafts and I loved making them with her. I always smile when I see these new treasures carefully displayed around our house. I've been flipping through Martha Stewart magazines and keeping an eye on Pinterest for fun crafts to do as the Christmas season approaches. All this planning might be just as much fun as actually building our crafts (well, not really but it's close).