Thursday, June 4, 2009

Projects, so many Projects

The house in general is an on-going project. But here is a little summary of what is going on at our little house.
We are getting the exterior of the house ready to paint. It is currently an ugly robin's egg blue and white (but it's so dirty it looks a little grey) but come fall it will a calming shade of green with the same (freshened up) white trim.
We are continuing to landscape the front yard. We are expanding the middle garden and cutting out almost all of the trees that are currently growing against the house (they will be replaced with bulbs in the fall).
We are also re-doing our fences. The one in the backyard has been taken down because the posts were rotting. We have put in new posts (which are now secure since we've had the driveway re-paved) and will soon be putting up the panels. Yah, privacy!
We are also redoing the down-spouts and gutters on the garage. Of course that is after we have the roof on the garage redone.
Then the garage will also need to be painted. Then we are re-vamping our patio. We are putting in new fancy stairs and getting rid of the ugly blue "wall" (if you've been to my house you know what I'm talking about).
It is never-ending but maybe by this Christmas we might actually have the time to sit back and admire our work. But the summer for now is completely devoted to projects!

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