Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Spirit

For me nothing says Christmas spirit like bundling up and taking a walk through my neighborhood to look at the lights. Everything is so colorful and bright, I just love it. Now some people get into the decorating spirit more than others so I thought I would share with you some of my favorite Christmas houses in Victoria. You can click on the pictures to see them in more detail. Sorry they aren't better pictures but my camera doesn't like the dark.
This house was my favorite elementary school teachers home. He always had the best Christmas celebrations and this house is classic.
This isn't a great picture of this house but I really like this display. You can see it all lit up when you come around the corner.
This house plays music and is super bright. He has a extra generator to run everything. Even their backyard has lights!
The Santa in this picture goes in and out of the chimney, it's pretty cool. We had to wait a bit to get a picture with Santa out of the chimney.
This is the home of the inflatables. They had every inflatable you could get. I couldn't get all the inflatables in this picture!
This house is just down the street from ours and it is by-far one of my very favorites. It also plays music and it so detailed. Love it!
And this house, is my house. We did the best we could with our budget and I think it looks quite nice.

Merry Christmas!

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