Friday, January 8, 2010

Prepping for the Garden

Oh man I am sooo excited about the garden this year. I've already been out getting the beds ready. We are planning to dig out two new beds, mostly for squashes. I wanted to have separate beds for the viney things so they don't take over the main garden.

I've drawn out a little diagram of how I would like it to look but I think I order more seeds than are on here so I'm going to have to some squishing. I've also added to this particular drawing the plants that are already in the ground that will still be there is April.
Side note on the winter garden. It's doing OK but not good. The garlic is starting to come up and the parsnips may start growing in the coming months but most of the other stuff is gone. It was really disappointing. So this year I'm doing way more planning for the fall/winter garden.

The diagram for fall/winter is here. It will also probably change based on how many more cold covers we get built by then.
I'm splitting the seeds with a friend of mine because it is more cost effective and last year I just didn't seem to use all the seeds in the package and it felt like a real waste. Hopefully the seeds will be arriving in the next couple weeks because the onions and some of my herbs need to be started indoors in February.
In the mean time I have a lot of clearing in the garden to do. The new beds need to be dug out and the mulch and rye needs to be turned under. There are also some patches of weeds to be cleared and the back of the garden plot needs to be developed a bit more. We are also going to try to put a real walkway between the greenhouse and the garden. Additionally we are planting at least 2 new fruit trees and 2 new blueberry bushes to I need to prep for those as well. It seems like a lot but I'm excited to do it. The garden was such a joy last year and I think this year will be even better because I already have some knowledge of what works and what doesn't.
If you are interested in what the codes on the diagrams mean. They are the item code for the seed type at West Coast Seeds. They have a great catalog. You can get one free online.

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