Monday, February 15, 2010

Show and Share

This is an idea from Mad Times We Live In. So for show and share you need to pick a picture that has you in it and evokes lots of memories for you. It doesn't have to be recent but you have to be in it.
This picture was taken on my first vacation alone with Jon. We went to Disneyland for Christmas (at night they would play Christmas music and blow fake snow around the park). We had just been together for a year and it was amazing to have one-on-one time with him (without cellphones or email or any distractions). We felt young. We laughed so much that weekend and we are still talking about how much fun that trip was. We can't wait to take our children there ;)


  1. Yeah! Thanks for playing along! Your description was much more eloquent than my own... Sorry I am was tired from a overly tired teething nursing 10 month old.
    I love this picture. I really wanted to go to Disneyland with the kids for Christmas, I thought it would be so perfect, but money and selling the house would not permit. Next year we are planning a trip. I love it there. I have been about 6 times. Never get's old. I feel the same every time I go, like a super excited 6 year old!

  2. I love Disneyland. I've been at least 5 times (twice at Christmas). Everytime I go, I get giddy. Just walking in the main gates with the Disney songs playing over the speakers, makes me feel young.
    I hope you and your family can go soon. I think you'll love experiencing it together!
