Friday, June 4, 2010

Arbutus Cove

Last night Jon and I went back to visit a place I used to hang out at when I was in junior high school. Arbutus Cove is a beach located in Gordon Head. I honestly have not been back to that beach since I graduated.
It's not much of a work-out to visit the beach (I do rather enjoy hike-in beaches) except for the stairs in and out. The beach itself is pretty rocky but there are some sand bars to hang out on.
We were lucky enough to see a few birds during our short visit. This poor eagle was being harassed by 4 crows. But eventually the crows got bored and left, then the eagle started chasing sea gulls. It was an interesting event to watch.

Then we saw the heron. I love herons, I think they are really cool birds to watch. They just seem so mellow. This guy wasn't overly bothered by us (until I slipped on a rock and scared him). I watched him fish for his dinner. He caught about four fish while we were watching him.
It's been pretty windy here on the west coast lately do there was a lot of seaweed and debris on the shore. Jon found a rusty piece of metal from a ship and I marveled at all the different colors of seaweed.

The sun was starting to go down so we decided to head out. I forgot what a nice beach it was. I think it will be worth going back (maybe when the weather is warm and I can walk in the water!).

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