Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Saanich Fair 2010

This Labour Day weekend we went to the annual Saanich Fair. It is a farm fair out in the heart of Saanich. I will admit that it has been a while since I've been to the fair. Last time I went, I got talked into going on a very spinny ride and ended up being so sick I had to go home and take some Gravol.
This year I really enjoyed seeing all the farmers and especially seeing all the different 4H club members.
Aren't all the colorful fruit on this just gorgeous? I love all the beautiful colors in nature. I love events like these that encourage local farming.
I will admit that as a child I very much wanted to be in 4H however my parents aren't really "animal" people so it took many years to get the one pet I did have. I think I would like to encourage my own children to participate in this great organization. I think it teaches wonderful care and responsibility and as well as making our children think about where our food comes from and care about how even meat animals are treated. Many of the animals that were shown by the 4H clubs were sold at the fair. I imagine some are bought for pets (most likely the horses, rabbits and guinea pigs) and others for breeding but I won't doubt that some will become dinner one day.
Aren't these goats sweet? When I finally have the farm I've always dreamed of, I will have at least 4 goats. I love the spunk that goats seem to have, plus they are cute!
Ducks are another animal that I would really like to have on my farm. I dream of a farm that is bordered by a lake or pond. I would love to have a whole bunch of ducks that just hung out in the pond all day. (Actually as we were driving to the fair we saw a farm for sale with a pond border pasture. I also died, it would have been perfect but way out of our budget).
My favorite animal there, and a must have on my farm, were the LLAMAS! I love llamas. I think they have the coolest faces, are fun to have around and have the softest hair. I was thrilled at all the llamas at the fair this year (I even got to pet a couple!). I will definitely have a llama one day.
We also checked out some of the arts and crafts done by local kids. This display was my favorite. While I like to discourage "playing" with food, this I loved. All these adorable figurines made mostly out of local produce. Too cute!
Finally, how could we leave the fair without going on any rides? I learned my lesson last year so this time I just watched. My friend's little girl and husband went in this and thought it was a totally let down (actually I think her daughter loved every ride she went on). My hubby only went on two rides. He really like the first ride which involved being lifted up above the crowds then free falling back to earth. Not my cup of tea but whatever makes him happy is fine by me.
Aside from horrendous traffic and a sunburn, we really enjoyed the fair! I can definitely see myself back here one day (maybe teaching my kids about the value of 4H)!

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