Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Garden...These Days

As some of you may recall I really wasn't going to do a garden this year but with the help of some friends and family (my wonderful mother has spent countless hours out there screening for weeds) the garden actually became workable.
We managed to plant peas, sunflowers, onions, broccoli, celery, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, beans, squash, eggplant, cucumber, bok choy, potatoes and zucchini out there. It would probably have been great except for the weather. It has been cold and wet pretty much since I planted everything. So the onions are almost totally dead, the slugs have eaten my cabbage and beets and there isn't a bean in sight.'s June people!! I need some sun.
I also decided to do a container garden in case things out in the main garden didn't go so well.

I planted carrots, spinach, lettuce, chard, peppers, tomato and herbs in containers this year. The carrots actually seems really happy and the spinach is finally starting to get growing. The lettuce is tiny and I don't think I'm going to get anything and my basil has given up.
It might end up being a good year for pears though. Even though I haven't seen many bees around, I've got a ton of little pears coming up on the trees. I might get some apples but we have had to hack off quite a few branches due to a tent caterpillar problem. I'm not sure about the cherry because it's really get blossoms and it is way too cold for the peach. The blueberries are looking good though and the raspberries should be ok (did knock a few blossoms off while removing the morning glory). I think it is too cold for the strawberries. I'm hoping for a good fall crop of them instead.
I think what my garden needs now is some sun. I've been doing my best to stay on top of the weeds so hopefully when the sun does finally show up, the garden will be be free of weeds and the plants can just grow, grow, grow!