Sunday, October 23, 2011

1st Anniversary

Today is our first wedding anniversary. It's been a good day to reflected on this past year. I can't believe how fast time seems to be passing. This time last year I was walking down the aisle towards the kindest, most patient and loving man I could have ever hoped to spend my life with. We've been together for 5 years but this past year, our first year as husband and wife, has been the most eventful. We had our baby, she's grown and changed, Jon's started an new job, completed another year of school and we've experienced the ebb and flow of friends and family coming and going from our lives. Today as I think back on what a challenging first year it's been, I don't think I could be more happy and content than I am now.
Happy Anniversary my love. Thank you for everything you are and everything you do. I love you with all my heart.
As I said before I don't really want to put our wedding pictures out there but I had to share this one, it was a special moment and captured the magic of that day perfectly.

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