Sunday, February 19, 2012

Warm At Night

I meant to make these for April back in December but my knitting projects were keeping me away from the sewing machine. I finally finished these last month. Even though we see more sun during the day, the nights are still very cold so flannel pajamas are perfect.
This was my first try at making my own pattern. I learned a lot and I'm reasonably happy with the result. I would have made the pants a little shorter, the top a little longer and the sleeves a little more flared. But all in all, the pajamas are cute and I'm glad they fit.
The fabric is the Anna Maria Horner Good Folks line in flannel. I love this line. I think I have them all in my stash somewhere. I've set some aside for next years pajamas.


  1. These are so sweet, homemade jammies are the best!

  2. Aren't they? I feel like I should make some for me and my hubby so we all can be warm and cozy together.

  3. Oh my gosh! I want these in my size!
