Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good Folks Quilt

I have a love of Anna Maria Horner's Good Folks flannel. Remember these pajamas? Well the next step in this love affair was to make a quilt.
This quilt is the perfect lap size. I had contemplated making a full size quilt for my bed but the fact is that I barely have the sewing space to make a lap quilt let alone a queen size blanket. It is made from twelve 14" x 14" squares and I backed the whole thing with luscious natural unbleached flannel. I try to curl up with this blanket every chance I get. It is so irresistibly soft and Anna Maria's fabric is so colorful and cheery.
Doesn't it just look lovely on my couch with the Anna Maria Horner pillows I made? I have some of the flannel left over and I'm so tempted to make some super soft pillows out of them. Any other ideas for my last scraps of Good Folks flannel?

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