Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bee Appreciation

Today we attended Bee Appreciation Day at Tugwell Creek Meadery and Honey Farm. Aside from the fact that, as a gardener, I really do have a deep appreciation for bees, I had to attend this event just for the opportunity to get some much needed info on beekeeping.
Yes, I'm getting honeybees. The process has been slow. I've been doing lots of reading, looking up local beekeeping groups, tracking down supplies and prepping my property for hives. The opportunity to visit Tugwell and talk to local beekeepers could not be missed. One can gain some very valuable information from simply talking to a veteran beekeeper for 20 minutes. They also had a observational hive on display which allowed me a chance to practice my queen spotting skills. Turns out those skills are almost non-existent for me, it's going to take a lot of time and patience to learn how to spot my queen.
Tugwell Creek is a beautiful farm about an hour away from where we live. The whole farm is literally buzzing. The property has a lovely native plants habitat for the bees, as well as a garden with fruit trees, berries, vegetables and flowers. We took the self-guided tour enjoying the chickens, geese, sheep and goats that also call Tugwell Creek home. Jon enjoyed a mead tasting and I came home with a jar of local honey and some honey truffles (they are simply heavenly). Truly, this lovely day could not have happened without the hard work for the honeybee.

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