Monday, July 16, 2012

Oh so many peas!

One of my favorite things about summer is fresh peas. I usually just stand in the garden eating them straight from the vine. Peas always do really well in my garden. So far this year we've been getting about 5lbs a day from our garden. Most have been shelled and frozen for the winter but we are still using them in salads, stir fries and of course right out of the pod. I'm interested in trying the pea soup recipe from My Father's Daughter and this pea and mint spread
I'm surprised by how much April likes these peas. She has been pretty stubborn about vegetable lately. I was so pleased when I looked up from picking peas to see her sitting by the basket of peas eating away. I had to laugh, it reminded me so much of Blueberries for Sal which we have been reading to her.
Yes, we all are enjoying the peas from the garden very much. Are you enjoying peas? What it your favorite way to eat them?

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