Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blueberry Season

It's blueberry season. Oh how I love blueberries. In all honesty freshly picked blueberries are better than candy in my opinion. However, like candy, getting carried away always results in an upset tummy. I will admit that on the way home from blueberry picking I had quite the upset tummy.
We went back to a farm we went to last year to pick our berries. We were there for just over an hour and had picked 18 lbs of blueberries (plus whatever went into April's mouth during that hour). Aside from all the berries that were eaten fresh (the best way to eat them in my opinion), we frozen two large freezer bags worth of berries for smoothies and muffins in the winter, made a small batch of blueberry jam and of course enjoyed some french toast made with blueberry syrup. Yes, I love blueberry season.
My own blueberries have not done well this year. We have got about a handful of berries and we have 3 bushes! My bushes are second-hand from my parents so I think they may have been damaged in the transfer. The plan is to dig these ones out and plant new bushes next year. There really isn't a reason why blueberries shouldn't do well here. Full sun, compost, frequent mulching, what more could they want?
I think we will be going back to pick more blueberries next week. I would like at least one more bag of berries in my freezer and a few more jars of jam. How do you like to enjoy your blueberries?

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