Saturday, November 3, 2012


Things have been pretty quiet in our home lately. We have been nursing a couple colds, cutting new teeth, making new friends and tending to the homestead. The fall garden is slow but still alive. Our bees are wet and grumpy, best left alone at this point. The chickens love the mud and still lay 5 eggs everyday. Zooey hates the rain and spends most of her days whining and then chasing squirrels. The days are shorter and colder. It is wet and grey. We are definitely hunkering down for winter. That means, however, that I finding myself with wool in my hands once again and we are starting in on all the food we put by this summer. A lovely reward for a seasons work. Here are a few picture from the past month.

Hope you all have had been well lately and that we will see more of each other on this space.

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