Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For the Tree

Not that our tree is lacking in ornaments in any way, but somehow it's just doesn't feel quite like Christmas unless we have hung a few newly made ornaments. This year I ended up making a whole basket full of wrap scrap ornaments. My favorite is the star made from Girasol Rainforest scraps with a mother of pearl button. With a toddler in the house, softie ornaments are a big hit with mom and dad as well as our little one.
I've also tried to get April involved in making some ornaments this year. We made a few popsicle stick snowmen and clothespin penguins with a friend. Just today though we made these salt-dough Santas. One for our tree and one for a gift. I think these will be treasured in our family for years to come.
Here are the instructions if you'd like to make some for your tree:
Make a dough from 1/2 cup salt, 1 cup flour and 1/2 cup water. Roll out to about 3/4 inch thickness. Have your child press his/her hand into the dough. Cut out the hand print then transfer to a parchment lined baking sheet. Use a straw to make a hole for the string. Bake for at least 2 hours at 250 degrees (this time will vary based on the thickness of your hand prints). Decorate as desired once cooled.

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