Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Petting Zoo

Spring is in the air and the sun is making an appearance. It was the perfect time to hit the petting zoo with friends. Baby animals are arriving weekly, which makes for a wonderful reminder to children that this is the season of rebirth. The earth is getting greener and flowers are coming up all around. Even the cherry trees have burst into pink to spite the cold temperatures. I am busy making plans for my garden and my hive but April still reminds me to take it slow and notice all the new things appearing around us. We are rejoicing in the opportunity to spend more time out of doors. When the wind dies down it's almost warm enough to open the windows and dry the clothes on the line.
The earth is breathing, taking in all the nourishing sun and rain. We are breathing too. Taking deep breathes and preparing for another growing season. What a relief after this wet winter to see the sun and some color outside my window. My child is relieved too, the smile on her face tells me she is glad for spring.

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