We had a lovely laid back long weekend over here. We soaked up the sun, got outside and made lots of progress. Most of the garden is now turned and ready for compost and planting. My starts are happily sprouting on my dinner room table, my bees are out in mass, my trees are blooming and my laundry is on the line. It is certainly spring and I hope it stays.
It is so refreshing to step outside in bare feet and feel the grass between my toes. To lie in the hammock at dusk and watch the stars come out. I'm feeling renewed. I have renewed resolve to make my garden the best yet, to grow as much from seed as possible, to use everything I can and to be outside as much as we can stand.
It felt like a long winter with a high energy toddler about. We made it through though. Thank you art project, activity kits, swimming pools and playgroups. The sidewalk chalk, bubbles, sand boxes and swings (oh yes the swings!) are ready for their date with my child.
The bulky sweaters, hats and mittens and winter boots are being put away and sunglasses, brimmed hats and sandles are already in use. It certainly feels like spring indeed.
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