Saturday, June 22, 2013

On the Summer Solstice

We were expecting rain for the summer solstice but were pleasantly surprised by sunny weather. We decided it would be a perfect night for backyard camping. We just spent time together in our little piece of earth. We set up the tent, we harvested some soft neck garlic, we ate strawberries straight from the vine, watched the moon rise, played Wildcraft, ate popcorn and all snuggled together under one sleeping bag for the night. It was the perfect celebration to welcome summer.
How did you celebrate the solstice?


  1. That sounds delightful! We would have loved to camp under the stars, it was so warm that evening. The kids and I spent most of the longest day of the year outside: McMinn and Banfield parks had plenty of our footsteps on them! We went for a shaky-milk at Big Wheel after supper. We slept very very well (we probably started before the moonrise!)

  2. That sounds like a wonderful solstice Eunice! I'm glad you all were able to enjoy that lovely day.
