Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fast and Furious

Things in the garden are going fast and furious. It feels like there is barely time to keep up. We finally are having some of the heat that the garden craves and it has made all the difference. The peas are noticeable taller every time I go out there. We have harvested almost all of our soft neck garlic and are in the process of braiding them for storage. I have harvested 3 heads of cauliflower, beautiful kale leaves, scapes, lettuce, peas, radish and lots of berries.

I'm always a bit surprised by how many raspberries we manage to get from our small berry corner. I've already picked 2 pints off and that doesn't include the handfuls April east straight from the vine. I think I will need to do some planning for next year however. They are getting rather dense so it's hard to pick the berries at the back and they are toppling over. I might try to move a few canes and add some lattice. Luckily I have some time to give it a lot of thought.

My cucumber is not doing well. It is small with no flowers and some have even turned white. I might just need to give up on cucumbers this year. I hope I can buy some bags of pickling cucumbers at the market. In contrast, the squash seems to be thriving in this heat. They had a slow start but they are well on their way to being heathly, bushy plants.

My herbs are also doing well however I need to be more mindful of keeping them well watered in this hot weather. I am looking forward to my second crop of chamomile, fresh flowers make the sweetest tea. I'm also planning on harvesting some calendula for soap making. It's about time I made some soap with herbs from my garden.

Many more harvests are on the horizon and I am looking forward to trying new recipes and simply eat food that was picked only seconds ago. This is my favorite part of summer.

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