Thursday, December 5, 2013

In Progress

I've sadly been absent from this space for the past few weeks. Normally this would be a busy and exciting time for us as the Christmas season is upon us. However, I've been stuck in bed for several weeks and doing nothing of real interest. Except maybe working on something big, or rather, small. We should be welcoming our new tiny addition sometime in March. In the mean time, I'm pushing through the nausea, exhaustion and headaches to try to savor these last few months of one-on-one time with my little girl. And I suppose I'm also trying to do some crafting on the side.

So this space may go neglected from time to time as we go through this period of change. I hope, though, that I can update at least every couple of weeks. This is such a special place for me and of course a wonderful way to share with all of you.

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