Sunday, October 26, 2014

Perfect Pumpkin

It is the time of year when the fields turn orange and little Miss A begs for a pumpkin whenever we pass one. We finally had a day without wind and rain so off to the pumpkin patch we went. We certainly were not alone at the pumpkin patch however. A took her time running in and out of the groups of people before finding her perfect pumpkin. We tried carrying around a couple but we always found one that was just a bit fresher, a bit rounder, a bit brighter. She finally decided on a little orange pumpkin and a little "ghost" pumpkin.

A wasn't the only one having fun at the pumpkin patch. Hay bales, clover patches, big round orange things; it was everything little F ever wanted. I, too, love October. The colors are glorious, the breezes are cool and the food is hearty. While my children eyed up the perfect pumpkin, I was eying some delicious squash. I think squash soup shall be a dinner staple for the next few weeks.

Halloween is fast approaching and there are so many more things we want to do. I will be posting about our Halloween adventures for the coming week so stay tuned. And please share will us your own Halloween traditions.

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