Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Suddenly Four

I say this every year but I'm stunned that my little girl is four! In some ways it feels like she should still be a baby toddling around our house but then in other ways it feels like she has always been here. She was born on a rainy Saturday in the early morning hours. She was amazing. She was a breastfeeding champ, a terrible sleeper who refused to be swaddled. She had lungs, she was so cuddly, she hated the bath, she was gorgeous. I look at her now and she's so different. She loves to swim, she loves books, she's always singing, she's very curious and she is very kind. I forgot that about her sometimes. She is stubborn, strong-willed and at time defiant but she has such a kind heart. She loves birds, flowers and fairies. She is learning to write letters, sew, and use scissors. She hopes this year to ride her bike without training wheels, to swim with her face in the water and to go camping.

Her request was for a gymnastics party. I was all for it. Anything to get all that preschooler energy out. She was thrilled to bits. I will admit though, the gym made for some out of focus pictures. The light wasn't the best for keepsake pictures. On her actual birthday we took her for a little tea party at the local family cafe, she asked for thai noodles for dinner and we shared a mini cupcake. She got a few books, a box of buttons her nana had collected for her and a basket for her bike. It was a lovely day. A day for my girl. Happy birthday my beautiful daughter.

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