Tuesday, October 6, 2015



Brave and true will I be
Each good deed sets me free
Each kind word makes me strong
I will fight for the right
I will conquer the wrong

Traditional Verse

This was our first year celebrating Michaelmas. As we did with Martinmas, we focused on the stories and the moral message of the holiday. I participated in a Michaelmas themed craft swap early in September which really got us in the mood. F got a sweet pair of dragon arm warmers, A got a dragon and St. George for story telling and we got a few other goodies for our table. 

We picked up this book from the library (Trina Schart Hyman is one of our favorite illustrators) and used our dragon and St. George to act it out. Miss A decided however that our dragon is a friendly dragon who gives rides.

We talked a little bit about of inner "dragon". I think it's hard for my children to identify that part of their personality. However, this year I decided my inner dragon is my mama guilt. Since F's birth I've been carrying around a lot of guilt. I tell myself I'm too hard on my children, I don't give them enough of my time, I'm not meeting all their needs, I don't give them enough opportunities, and so many other negative thoughts that do nothing but bring me down. So I'm going to tell myself some kind words about myself and be strong so I can conquer my inner dragon.

Did you all get a chance to see that amazing Harvest Moon eclipse? We thought we had missed it but we managed to catch a glimpse as we were driving home for bedtime. So magical.

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