Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DIY Dollhouse Furniture::A Tutorial

Over the holidays, my grandfather dropped off a dollhouse that was once mine (and before that, I believe it was my mothers). He made it himself, which only makes it more special. When it arrived I realized I didn't have any furniture to go with it. I collected a few miniatures but I needed something for A's dolls. Woodworking isn't my craft and J was too busy to make some things right now so I looked around for some materials I could make into furniture. I'm pretty happy with the results so I thought I'd share this tutorial in case anyone else needs a quick project for a dollhouse.

You will need:
1 cork coaster
1 2-3 inch terracotta pot
2 corks
1 tongue depressor (I found these colored ones at the dollar store)
2 buttons (the size of the cork top)
hot glue gun

I started by making the table. It really couldn't be simpler.  I just added a ring of hot glue to the bottom of the pot and stuck the coaster to it. I held it tight until the glue dried. That's it!

For the chairs, I started by cutting the tongue depressor in half. If you are using wine corks, make sure the bottom is flat. If there are any little bits sticking out, use the scissors to trim them. If it's very uneven, you can use a serrated knife to cut a small slice off the bottom to level it. Once that is done use the hot glue gun to stick the buttons to the top (you don't need a lot of glue here). Finally, squirt a line of glue down one side of the cork and attach the depressor stick.

You are done!

I added a little banner to the room. I used twine, origami paper, glue and scissors. You can use fabric, cardboard, anything you want. Here is a little photo tutorial if you'd like to make one of your own.

Now you have a dining room fit for a queen. If you make one of your own, I'd love to see what you make!

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