Sunday, January 17, 2021

Warm Winter


It's undeniable that even in a small way the Covid-19 pandemic was a breath of fresh air for the climate crisis. Less air travel, less cruise ships, less commuters driving to work, less recreational vehicles in lakes and oceans. However, that little bit feels insignificant when you realize that we are fighting a runaway train. 

We had a day of brief snowfall before Christmas, then it quickly warmed up. It's felt more like April than January. F asks me often "Is it spring now?" because we see flowers popping up and it's warm enough to leave your jacket at home. It's sad to see how out of sync nature is becoming. It seems that the plants and animals are just as confused about the season as my son is.

Lulu and I have been venturing further from home on our adventures so we can get a good dose of nature. While I love seeing the lush green moss and new ferns, I shouldn't been seeing this rebirth for another two months. As a gardener, I'm lost as to when to prune or plant. It's hard to push the message that it should not be this warm and sunny in the first month of winter here in the PNW. Everyone loves the sunshine and with Covid restrictions getting outdoors is essential. But just because it's enjoyable doesn't mean it's right. It's time for drastic action.

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