These green tips are some no-brainers that we all should know and practice but I think some of us need some reminders.
1. Don't litter. This includes cigarettes, gum, tissues, and dog dropping. If you miss the trash can, please go pick it up, if a wrapper falls out of your pocket, please pick it up and just be considerate.
2. Save water. Don't leave the tap or shower running. Don't run the washing machine or dishwasher unless it is FULL. And don't over water your garden or leave the sprinkler running or water your driveway.
3. Save power. Turn off the lights, don't leave your heaters or air conditioners on when you aren't home, and put electronics on a power bar so you can turn them off at the wall instead of leaving them on standby.
4. Cut back on waste. Use re-usable containers for food and drink, try to buy things in minimal packaging, compost organic material instead of trashing it and recycle instead of throwing it away.
5. No more greenhouse gases. Walk, cycle or take public transit, don't leave your car to idle, drive efficiently, switch to a clean barbecue and switch to a clean method of heating your home (natural gas, bio-oil or electric).
Simple tips but important ones and I will admit that I have left the heat on or let a tissue fall out of my pocket but it is good to remind ourselves to do these little things. We all need to our part and it's easy if you try :)
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