Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reminder: Earth Hour

Tonight is Earth Hour. I want to encourage everyone to participate. It is a global movement where by citizens are asked to turn off their lights for one hour (See my other post on Earth Hour). If one hour in the dark doesn't sound too appealing to you, try to create something fun for yourself to do. Turn off all the lights and go walk around your neighbourhood and see how many people turned out the light, enjoy a true candle light dinner with someone you love, head out to the local park or beach and star-gaze, soak in the bath by candle light, have an old fashioned game night (cards or boards or maybe charades?) with the lights out. Be creative, you might be surprised how fun and relaxing it is to be in the dark.
Word of caution: even though your city won't be turning the street lights off, if you are heading outside for Earth Hour please make yourself visible; wear light colors and reflective material. Also, in light of my cousins accident with candles, please practice candle safety too. Please put candles up off the ground and well away from any edges they could be knocked down from.
So remember, Earth Hour begins at 8:30pm and continues until 9:30pm but you never know, you might be having so much fun you might forget to turn the lights back on!

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