Thursday, May 28, 2009

Basil? What's your deal?

My basil seems to hate me. First I started growing it in the greenhouse with the other herbs but it turned brown and died (while everything else took off). So I bought another basil plant and put it in the garden outside. Now it too is withering away. It won't produce new leaves, it is wilted and the leaves have brown edges. Yesterday I bought another plant and put it in the house near a window. If this one dies too, I'm done! It's going to be grocery store basil for me.
Is there a trick to basil that I am just not getting? I water it, I feed it, I try not to let it get too hot or too cold. What more does it want from me? (This is very distressing to me because I tend to my garden everyday and this is the only plant that keeps dying!)
I'll update the progress of the new basil and maybe I'll post a comparison of the new one to the old ones. Grrr, so annoying. Any tips are welcome!

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