Saturday, May 23, 2009

Recipe: Chicken Corn Noodle Soup

This recipe is my own variation on the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch chicken corn soup recipe. But it was just so unhealthy I had to change it and now I make it all the time. It also freezes nicely so you can make a big batch and save some for later. Please note that I didn't write down exact amounts because I never make the same size batch twice.

You will need:
Chicken leftovers fat removed and shredded (if you have meat left on the bones save them for this)
1 can or box of chicken or vegetable stock
1 can organic kernel corn
Handful of organic spaghetti or linguine noodles
1/2- 1 whole onion, finely chopped
2-4 celery stocks, finely chopped
spices (I use sea salt, garlic powder, paprika, and black pepper)

To prepare, chop your onion and celery and shred your leftover chicken (if you can't get the meat of the bones it's ok, if you throw the bones in with the meat still attached it will boil off and add flavour). Add to a large pot or slow cooker the onion, celery, corn, chicken (meat and bones), chicken or vegetable stock and a couple cups of water. Set your slow cooker to low or turn your pot on to simmer and let the soup simmer for a couple hours. Give it a stir occasionally and you can remove the bones as soon as the meat comes off. About 30mins -1 hour before serving add the noodles (broken into bits about the size of your pinky finger) and the spices (remember that with soup you want to almost over-season because a lot of the flavor will be diluted). About 15 mins before serving begin tasting it and continue to season to taste. When the noodles are al dente, serve or store the soup.

This soup is great with some homemade pita chips or some homemade bread (try it will the pumpkin bread). This recipe is just a guideline, always to these recipes to your own tastes. You could add small cubes of potato or chopped carrot, or add flavor with green onions or leeks. Be creative and as always enjoy!

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