Thursday, September 10, 2009

Harvests and an Update

My apologies for the lack of blogging, I've been having computer issues so I haven't had a chance to post. Not much has been happening since my last post. I began a new job (same type of work just at a new place), I've been preserving like a fiend and I got a haircut. Wow, the excitement never ends.
My garden however is coming to an end. I still have a few things and I'm still trying to deal with the glut of tomatoes and pears. I still have apples, pumpkins and strawberries and I might have an eggplant.

My attempt at soy beans actually turned out ok. I think I might plant even more next year.

My strawberries have put out a second crop and it's better then the first round. These ones are so juicy and I'm having trouble eating them all (so I made jam!).

I have had so many tomatoes, I'm swimming in them. I got this idea from the "Slice of Organic Life" book. It's oven dried tomatoes with garlic and thyme. They are actually quite yummy. I also used another recipe from that book to make Tomato-Chili Chutney with more of the tomatoes.

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