Saturday, November 27, 2010

30 weeks

We are nearing the end! Time seems to be slowing down a bit now that the end is in sight. I have 5 more weeks of work before I go on maternity leave. To be honest, I really wish I could leave now. I work with children in the community and there are a lot of parents who bring their children to our programs even when they are quite sick. I can't do much to keep these colds away. I've had 3 illnesses in the past 2 months. I'm getting really tired of sniffling and coughing. Plus I just feel like I have so much to do at home that maybe 2-6 weeks won't be enough.
Christmas is coming and I am so excited. This will be our first Christmas as a married couple and our last as just the two of us. Usually I spend much of December making gifts. I feel like homemade gifts mean so much more. This year however, I have been piling in as many hour at work as I can so we can better afford my maternity leave. I'm going to try to spend my evenings crafting and baking but we will see how well that plan goes.
I'm starting to feel like a big slow blob. Last week it snowed quite a bit here so I had to leave my car and walk to work. My belly felt so heavy and it seemed like I was never going to make it work. The babe is pushing on my diaphragm so I feel very out of breath and my hips are sore so I more waddle than walk. Getting a much sleep as possible is on the top of my list. Thank goodness for my body pillow because without it I'm pretty sure sleep would be a lot harder to get.
We are almost totally prepared, product-wise, for the babe. We have our Arms Reach co-sleeper, Beco carrier, Britax car seat, more clothes than my baby could ever need, a couple different types of diapers, bedding, receiving blankets and we are starting to get our homebirth supplies together. I'm really starting to feel excited about this birth. We are almost done our childbirth preparation classes and I think we both are feeling really good about our decision to birth at home. We have also chosen a doula to help us through the process. Yes, I still feel nervous but I am confident that I am making good choices.
Just 7 more weeks and I'll be considered full-term. I can't wait!

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