A couple weeks ago, my family and I headed to Goldstream Park to witness the annual salmon run. Every year the salmon that live in the waters outside Goldstream head up stream to spawn. The stream itself isn't very deep so it is a good opportunity to watch this natural process. This year it was mostly Chum heading up stream.
At first they were tough to find but we found a narrow spot in the stream where there were quite a few struggling to get through. It was interesting to watch the group dynamic. Most didn't like others getting too close and would turn and attack if they felt they were being too close.
The park itself is definitely a cool place to check out. It was filled with wonderful little natural processes. I have a personal love of ferns and there were tons of little ferns out. We also encountered many different mushrooms during this visit. My favorite were these little ones growing on a tree.
Speaking of growing on a tree, I think nurse logs are amazing but check out this nurse stump. How cool is that tree? I love how the roots wrap around the stump. Nature just amazes me.
Goldstream is a great park to visit at any time of year but if you are on the island I would recommend checking out the salmon run. I don't think there is any other time of year when you can see so many salmon in the stream.
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