Monday, January 24, 2011

Eviction Notice

Alright Baby, this is your eviction notice. You have one week to vacate the womb before things get really unpleasant.
I'm not sure how much longer I can stand to be pregnant. Yes, I know I'm still a week away from my EDD but this is just torture. The baby is really low in my pelvis and every-so-often it will pinch a nerve and I can't move my hip. I have to pee almost constantly (which isn't helped by the fact that I am perpetually thirsty). I can't really dress myself, socks and shoes are almost impossible so I'm wearing clogs in the rain. I can't find a comfortable position to sleep in so sleep is often limited to a cluster of 2 hour naps throughout the day. I can feel pressure on my cervix and I've been having a lot of lower back and hip pain. Also, occasionally I'll get menstrual-like cramps and nausea. It seems like this should be it but nothing is happening.
In an attempt to motivate the baby out I've started taking long walks every night, using evening primrose oil and eating spicy food. Fingers crossed that something will work and this baby will make it's appearance asap!
In light of this babe taking it's time, you still have time to place your bets!

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