Sunday, January 9, 2011

Place Your Bets

Alrighty, it's time for a baby pool. We will be at 37 weeks on Wednesday so anytime after that apparently is fair game. I know what I'm thinking in terms of baby's arrival but I'm interested in what other people are thinking. Leave me a comment with your guesses and winner gets bragging rights! Here's what you need to know:
I was born 10 days early and weighed 8lbs 2oz.
Jon was born 7 days early and weighed 8lbs 5oz.
I am the oldest with one younger brother (born 7 days early). Jon is the youngest with one older brother (born 7 days early).
Our EDD is February 3rd.
So in your comments let me know if you think it's a boy or a girl, when you think it will be born and how big you think the babe will be. Good luck! I look forward to reading your guesses.


  1. I'll guess boy, 8 lbs even. As for date, February 3rd is a new moon so maybe you'll have him/her on your due date. ;) With you guys both being early though, I think I'll put my "official" guess as January 28.

  2. Girl, 8lb 2oz. February 1st. :)
