Sunday, March 6, 2011

I heart mobiles

Since April has been more alert and interested in her surroundings I've been starting a love affair with mobiles. So far I've made two, one to hang over her floor bed (which right now we use more as a movement mat) and one to hang over her bassinet. The one over her floor bed is black and white dragonflies cut from a magazine. It didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it to but I still like it.
Right now she doesn't seem to look right up at it but instead watches it in the mirror. She is really enjoying the sensory experiences being offered to her these days.
 The second mobile is the Gobbi mobile from the Montessori side of things. I used this blog posting as inspiration and instruction. This was my first time wet felting and unfortunately my balls didn't turn out very smooth or uniform but I think it still works. I love the colors I used. I often find myself staring at it and feeling soothed by the lovely green. April seems to like it too.
I've also ordered this mobile that I'm planning on hanging over her bassinet when she's done with the Gobbi. The supplies for the Montessori bell mobile are waiting on my craft table and once assembled that mobile will hang over her change table. I'm loving mobiles and I have so many ideas for what I want to make for her. I see some more felting in my future (I would love to be able to make her something like this).

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