Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mt. Doug with April

Last weekend we took April for a hike up Mt. Doug. Jon and I would often hike there before she was born and we had taken her for a brief walk around the base of the mountain when she was just new but we decided it was time to head up with April.
It wasn't a stellar day for weather but it was warm enough for us and there was no rain. I like the forest at this time of year. The air is moist and everything is so green.
I love this little lush green path. It leads to a beautiful Arbutus grove. I wore April in the Moby wrap on my front and I have to say, it's just like being pregnant again. I was out of breath and I couldn't really see my feet so I felt nervous about falling. Luckily we had no slips.
Like I said, it was a little grey so we didn't get the great views that we usually see up on Mt. Doug but it felt so good to be out in nature with my daughter. It really helps with postpartum blues to take some deep breaths of fresh clean air and get outside!
April slept most of the hike but I know one day she will be alert and running down the trail, learning all about nature as she goes. In the mean time she's just enjoying the ride.

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