I made these little pants for April today. They are designed for cloth diapered babies (which mine is!). I used the pattern from this blog and some fabric from my stash. I decided to make these in size 6-12 months so they could be worn with a little Oliver + S top I'm making. I really like these pants. I have some more fabric that I think I'm going to use to make these in the 3-6 month size so she can wear them now.
I have a renewed love of sewing. The sound of the sewing machine seems to be just white noise to April so she is generally able to doze off while I'm sewing and it's great to feel that sense of accomplishment again. I have a whole bunch of patterns just waiting to be made. Right now I'm sticking to quicky projects but as April gets better at entertaining herself I'll move up to more ambitious projects (aka some clothes for myself).
AWESOME! They turned out super cute. I just finished my fifth pair (second pair this week) and I still adore this pattern, even if sewing the leg seams can get a bit funky (for me). So glad to learn that you have found a renewed love for sewing. I hope the kick I'm currently on keeps going for just a bit longer.