Monday, May 2, 2011

A Dress for April

I'm still on my sewing kick so yesterday I whipped up this little dress for April.
It is inspired by the Itty Bitty Baby Dress that Rae posted. Unfortunately her pattern was way too small for April, so I made up my own pattern and used Rae's basic instructions to put it together.
I love the fabric, it's actually a scrap piece from a top I made for myself last year. I'm glad I had enough to make the dress. And I'm even happier about having matching piping on hand (going to the fabric store is a trap!).
 So cute!


  1. Oh my gosh! It came out so beautifully and looks so lovely on April!

  2. Ok, too funny. I was just talking to Kyrie today about making clothes for the girls, and started searching around for patterns. I found this exact pattern on Made by Rae's site and plan to make one for each girl! I was wondering why it looked so familiar though and then thought to come check here and, sure enough, this is where I saw it. Was it pretty easy to sew?

  3. It wasn't hard to make but the pattern on the site is for a newborn so the hard part was adjusting the pattern to fit April's size. I ended up just drawing up my own which worked out fine.

  4. Yeah she has a link to a 3T one, so I'm hoping to be able to make it a bit longer for Meredith and then depending on how that goes a bit shorter and narrower for Fiona.
