Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Contest

No I'm not hosting this contest, I'm simply spreading the word.

My friend Robbin has started a great new business. Abernathy Naturals is an online store that offers a great selection of babywearing products such as Storchenweige wraps and Suse's Kindergear, clothing diapering products and other great handmade items.
Robbin is really talented. We have a couple of items from her that we've used with April including legwarmers and a fantastic cloth diaper (both that she sewed herself). She is also the one person that has really given me the help and motivation to improve my knitting skills. She has made some beautiful things for her daughters and she's shown me how to do the same for my girl.
I'm really loving her store. It supports green living and she's stocking many of the items that parents who are planning to pursue attachment parenting will need and when you shop with her you are helping to support a home-based business for a stay-at-home mom. Isn't that the dream for most of us moms out there?
Anyways, the contest! She is offering a giveaway of 30% of a Storchenweige wrap of your choice plus free shipping up to $10. For contest rules and how to enter visit here. Also check out her store. The contest runs until November 30th. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Natalie! I so appreciate this (and all the kind words)!
