Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Stocking for April

This will be April's first Christmas so naturally she needs a stocking. I refuse to buy one from the stores so I set out to make her one myself. I found this very Christmasy wool in the remnants bin at the local fabric store in the summer and bought it with the intention to use it for the stocking. Then I found the stocking pattern in Alicia Paulson's book Stitched in Time and I knew it was perfect.
Now Alicia does mention that this is a smaller stocking but I was ok with that since we have a minimalist view on Christmas anyways. But man is it small. It is so narrow I had trouble reaching the toe. I guess it will work for a kiddo though.
This stocking was just such a pain. Not the pattern's fault though. I had problems with my blanket stitch, sewed the buttons are crooked so I had to re-sew them, the heel and toe patches did not line up and I already ripped it a little bit while turning it right-side out.
So after much time, a few patch jobs and a lot of swear words, it is finished. The end result is pretty cute. I have some of the fabric left so I might make her a slightly bigger one that she can keep forever. For now, it works.


  1. It's darling! And so nice that you have a handmade stocking for your girl. It's mandatory right? That's my thought on it. That said, my son is two and I have still not made his yet so...better get on that. :)

  2. Oh, look at her! She loves her new stocking!
