Monday, January 28, 2013

Hats, so many Hats!

Knitting has been slow this year. I have dreams of completing sweaters and socks but so far all that seems to be coming off the needles are hats. With my toddler slowly giving up naps, I feel like I have less and less time to knit in peace. We've decided to get rid of cable so I'm hoping to use the time that I once devoted regular televisions shows to be creative. As I encourage April to be more creative in her life, I'm yearning to release my own creative energy. So many of my creative outlets have been neglected since becoming a mother. I need to remember to set an example for April and pursue the things that bring me inner peace and joy. So with that in mind I've been trying to work through my sad collection of neglected single skeins. So far I've made April a hat, Jon a hat, a friend a hat and I'm currently working on a hat for myself.

April's hat was knit from the beautiful Lollipop chunky yarn. The pattern is Wooly Wormhead's Quynn. Simple, quick and adorable. At this age any hat with ear flaps is welcome in the pile. I added braided ties to help keep it on her head.

Jon's hat is the Chunkeanie from Wooly Wormhead. The reverse stockinette stitch is perfect for this guys hat. I used the new Martha Stewart Alpaca yarn from Michaels for this one. It feels nice and looks great, I might just buy some of this yarn again (I don't usually shop at Michaels for yarn since I love wool but I was lucky to find this one).

The gift hat was a Stella Pixie hat. April's Stella is still a favorite. Thanks to the lovely ribbing it has lasted for years. This hat was again made with a yarn from Michaels. I can't even remember what it was called but I do remember it was a wool blend and it was the lovely subtle rainbow color that caught my eye. Thanks to a lack for size 3 double pointed needles this hat was also made with braided ties. I'm actually quite pleased with the result, it has a very bohemian fairy look to it.

The last hat in the picture is not technically a knit but it was made from a knit sweater. It was made from the pattern in Amanda Soule's Handmade Home. I then used some felt scraps and a little buttons to make a flower embellishment. If I made this hat again, I think I will use a heavier sweater, my choice is a bit thin for a winter hat.

Finally, the hat on the needles is the Knit Night hat. I'm using a ball of purple 100purewool yarn. I got it second-hand so I'm not sure of the colorway. It's slow going but I hope to finish it this week.
I think my next project will be more ambitious. Maybe a sweater for April, a lap blanket, a cowl. What's on your needles these days?

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