Monday, January 14, 2013

Seedy Saturday

Wow, a new year already and it seems preparations for a new growing season are under-way. It feels like we only just covered our beds for the winter. We spent this past Saturday at Seedy Saturday at Haliburton Farms. I love when I have the opportunity to get together with other small-scale farmers. There was a community seed swap, that although I had nothing to contribute reminded just how many things can grow here and how many seeds I could be saving.
I took the opportunity to pick up a few seed packages for herbs and flowers and some greens. There were lovely displays that just got me thinking more and more about saving seeds. I think that will be my mission this year. Save as many seeds as I can.
They also had a young seedsavers area. On the drive out I was telling April that we were going to get seeds to grow plants but she was so confused. The little childrens area had books, coloring and allowed the children to blend their own seed mix of flowers and herbs. It was lovely to see the understanding on her face when we left. Yes, we were there for the seeds.
Before we left, we took the time to wander through the gardens. It was a cold day and though the sun was out, much was still frozen (as it is in my garden). However, walking past their brussels sprouts made me realize that mine have no hope at this point, the slugs have won that battle.
We headed home, seed packets in hand, dreaming of the garden that is only months away from taking form. The excitement is building.

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