Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's Beginning...

We are bringing the holidays to life all over our home. Books, decorations, crafts, greenery, music; it is all coming out and being carefully put in place. We are starting to tell new stories and celebrate new traditions. This year we are introducing the nativity story and celebrating advent. This Sunday we lit the first candle in our advent wreath and read this story (a favorite already!). We are looking forward to visiting the living nativity in our city this year.

I seem to have forgotten though how busy the holiday season can be for us. I decided to sign up for some craft swaps. While they are fun to do, I'm finding myself very over-stretched. I just finished my last swap though so a bit of a weight has been lifted. I made sweet little cross stitched ornaments. I do enjoy cross stitch and I like the Scandinavian look of the snowflakes. I think I will make a couple more for our own tree.

This will be F's first Christmas on the outside so he needed a stocking. His stocking has been on my mind for a few months now. I had intended to knit him one but typical me, I left it until the last minute and just wasn't sure I could finish it in time. So I found a hand knit wool sweater at the thrift store and decided to give upcycling a go. I must admit I'm not thrilled with it. It seems lumpy. I lined it with quilting cotton and stitched a wool F and a berries and leaves to it but it still doesn't look as I dreamed. It will do for this year at least and I will decide whether I will make him a new one for next year. It doesn't seem to match the quality of A's stocking.

Saint Nicholas day is approaching so we are working on a few crafts and reading some special books in preparation. We also plan to make some gingerbread cookies for our baking day this week (just like in this book). Anyone have a stellar gingerbread recipe? I will share our Saint Nicholas traditions next week.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love Christmas? Those cross stitch ornaments are lovely. They would look great on a garland of greenery on a mantelpiece. I think the stocking turned out nicely - and love A's as well. The colourful buttons look so cheerful.
