Sunday, December 7, 2014

Kind Old St. Nicholas

Kind old man Saint Nicholas dear,
Come to my house this year,
Here's some straw and here's some hay,
To help your horse along his way.
Kind old man Saint Nicholas dear,
Come to my house this year.

Kind old man Saint Nicholas dear,
Come to my house this year,
Pray put something in my shoe,
For I've been good the whole year through.
Kind old man Saint Nicholas dear,
Come to my house this year.

Traditional German

 Saint Nicholas Day is another holiday that we don't traditionally celebrate but as I read about it in the Waldorf community I thought it would be a fun day for my children. In the days leading up to Saint Nicholas day we started reading some books about Saint Nicholas. Our favorites were The Baker's Dozen, The Fiercest Little Animal in the Forest and The Gift from Saint Nicholas. We chose more secular tales about the bishop.

Finally it was Saint Nicholas day eve. We gave A a cloth to polish the shoe of her choice to lay out with a bundle of hay for his donkey (I apologize for the grainy pictures. I wanted to get some shots of her shoe but it was already very dark). We watched this little wordless story and went to bed. While my darling girl slept, Saint Nicholas filled her shoe with a little Saint Nicholas doll, an orange, chocolate coins (which we didn't eat but rather she was allowed to trade a coin for an extra bedtime story or extra bubbles in her bath or an extra cookie), a little Ostheimer cat for her farm (she named it Zooey) and some walnuts. I considered putting a shoe out for F but he doesn't need much from Saint Nicholas so we decided to spare him the work of bringing unnecessary gifts to our house.

It was a nice surprise for my girl. She spent the morning playing with her new doll and cat. Her dad helped her crack open her walnuts and she chose to juice her orange to go with her snack. I also set out a little Saint Nicholas snack for her that day. It turned out to be a great addition to our holiday celebrations.

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