Saturday, February 27, 2016

His Second

I'm sure I say this every time one of my children has a birthday but I can't believe it's been a year already. Little F is two! Seems like it was not that long since I was curling up in the very bed he was born in, snuggling his sweet, rosy, tiny newborn body and inhaling that intoxicating new baby scent. There are still days when he in lying in my arms, quietly nursing and gazing into my eyes, that I can only see that little baby. Other days, he is such a big boy. He loves to be my helper, climb and run. He loves cats, trucks and being in water. He is A's biggest fan and loves his grandma to bits. I don't think I could possibly love him more.

Since he really loves his family most of all, we kept his birthday low-key. A, F and I went to the store and got him his favorite snacks for lunch (seaweed chips and cantaloupe) and got him a couple birthday balloons. He's been really struggling with an inflamed airway so stayed home in the afternoon. Grandma came to visit and F got to open his few, special presents. Mom and Dad got him a running bike! Grandma got him a special chair of his very own for camping and a sweet little toy. I think he loved the cards more though. A made him a very special card. She used almost all of her favorite stickers she had been saving. Little gestures of love like that fill my heart with so much happiness.

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