Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Fifth

My girl is five! This week we celebrated her fifth trip around the sun. Birthday's are always bittersweet. When decorating or planning I like to look back over the past year. I always forget how quickly they change and grow. I'm proud of who she is becoming though, she's got a wonderful heart.

A was lucky. She got two parties this year. We celebrated on her birthday with the people who love her most; her family. We had her favorite dinner and a cake of her choosing. We also gave her her few special gifts. For her birthday this year I knit her a horse friend. She's been telling me that horses are her favorite so I knew this was the perfect pattern. I'm so glad she loves it.

For her party with her friends she requested a swim party. She told me she wanted to be a mermaid. So we planned a party at the local recreation centre. I tried to do an under the sea theme for my little mermaid. My talented friend made starfish cupcakes and I made little starfish buddies for her friends. She had so much fun. Two hours didn't seem long enough. I guess we can say that birthday weekend has been a big success!

The beautiful letters hanging over A's birthday display were printed from here.

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