Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Little Qualicum Cheeseworks

Little Qualicum Cheeseworks is our favorite local cheese company. They have fabulous bries, curds and hard cheeses. They are located in Parksville, BC at Morningstar Farms. We were driving home from visiting Jon's parents in Campbell River and we decided to visit the farm.

The farm, well the barn and store part. It is really clean and cute. They have adorable clever little signs that guide you on a short tour of the farm.

I thought this sign was funny so I took a picture of it. Hehe.

They have 3 chubby bunnies waiting to greet you right near the parking lot. You can go in a pet them but I think they are so used to people that they don't even move when you are in there with them. They are super soft and super cute.

Pigs! The farm also sells pork but here are the sleepy piggies before the become dinner.

Baby cows! They are only about 5 days old. They were adorable.

You can also go into the goat pen but they weren't really interested in letting us pet them. They were more into sunbathing.

Sheep! They have so many animals there, it made me want to have a farm so much more. It was great to stop by and see exactly where our cheese comes from. If you are up near Parksville it's worth stopping by and trying some cheese, ice cream or wine. If you aren't heading up island Little Qualicum Cheeses are available every Saturday at the Moss Street Market.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun. Reminds me of what the Salt Spring Cheese Factory was like when we were there. I'll have to add this to my list of places I want to visit someday. :)
