Saturday, August 15, 2009

Perseids 2009

Unfortunately for this years annual Perseids meteor shower we didn't end up somewhere out in the dark wilderness like I had hoped. Instead we spent a fair amount of time driving around trying to find a place that didn't have a ton of light pollution. It is pretty much impossible. I was actually feeling very very frustrated that there really wasn't anywhere to go get away from the light.

We ended up at Island View Beach. Not totally dark but at least they didn't have a street lamp in the parking lot. We had a couple blankets and lay down in the sand (which was really nice and relaxing). It was a little bit cloudy but we still had a decent view of the sky.

It was amazing. This year had some of the brightest, biggest meteors I've seen in at least 2 years. I am so glad we got to see them. We didn't stay too long because we both had to go to work in the morning and there were some annoying drunks blasting the radio right near us (not really star gazing music either). But the final touch on a very impressive show was the huge red moon rising over the water as we left. Definitely worth it!

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